DT9836 시리즈 (6 채널/ 12 채널 채널당 최대 225kHz 동시 샘플링)

DT9836 시리즈 (6 채널/ 12 채널 채널당 최대 225kHz 동시 샘플링)

  • 상세 설명

많은 응용 분야에서 채널 간의 위상 변화를 제거하고 정확히 동일한 순간에 측정을 상호 연관시킬 수 있도록 동시 다중 채널 수집이 필요합니다.

모든 모듈의 표준 기능에는 동기화 된 구적 엔코더 입력이 포함됩니다.

  • 6 채널 또는 12 채널, SE 아날로그 입력, 16 비트 분해능
  • 최대 225kHz 채널당 샘플링 속도
  • PC에서 500V 갈바닉 절연
  • 프로그래밍 가능한 입력 범위 ± 10V 또는 ± 5V
  • 처리 속도가 각각 500kHz 인 0, 2 또는 4 개의 아날로그 파형 출력.
  • 16 개의 디지털 입력, 아날로그 I / P 샘플링 속도와 동기화 가능.
  • 16 개의 디지털 출력, 아날로그 O / P 샘플링 속도와 동기화 할 수 있습니다.
  • 2 개의 카운터 / 타이머 (32 비트)는 아날로그 I / P 샘플링 속도와 동기화 될 수 있습니다.
  • x / y 위치 및 각도 회전을 결정하기 위한 3 개의 구적 디코더 입력.

DT9836-12-2-BNC (단종)
USB 2.0 based Measurement, housed in a BNC Box

  • 12 SE analog inputs at 225 kHz per channel
  • 2 analog outputs with 500 kHz each, 16-Bit
  • Includes EP361 power supply 

DT9836-06-4-BNC (단종)
USB 2.0 based Measurement, housed in a BNC Box

  • 6 SE analog inputs at 225 kHz per channel.
  • 4 analog outputs with 500 kHz each, 16-Bit
  • Includes EP361 power supply 

DT9836-06-0-BNC (단종)
USB 2.0 based Measurement, housed in a BNC Box

  • 6 SE analog inputs at 225 kHz per channel
  • Includes EP361 power supply 

DT9836-12-2-OEM (단종)
Embedded OEM Version

  • 12 SE analog inputs at 225 kHz per channel
  • 2 analog outputs with 500 kHz each, 16-Bit 

DT9836-06-4-OEM (단종)
Embedded OEM version

  • 6 SE analog inputs at 225 kHz per channel
  • 4 analog outputs with 500 kHz each, 16 Bit 

DT9836-06-0-OEM (단종)
Embedded OEM Version

  • 6 SE analog inputs at 225 kHz per channel
  • no analog outputs 

소프트웨어 링크  

Free Data Logger Application - Upgradeable with FFT Analysis Options

  • Two extensions add FFT analysis capabilities to the free base package.
  • QuickDAQ FFT Analysis Options allow serious sound & vibration analysis supporting modal analysis and ODS analysis methods.
  • Single-Channel and Dual-Channel (frequency response) FFT operations

DT Data Acquisition Omni Software
Application Software for Data Acquisition

  • Device drivers for Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8 (64-bit and 32-bit), Windows 7 (64-bit and 32-bit), Windows Vista (64-bit and 32-bit) and Windows XP (32-bit only). The installation program automatically installs the appropriate driver for your operating system.
  • DT-Open Layers for .NET - 32-bit and 64-bit native class library for all languages that conform to the Common Language Specification (CLS), including Visual C#, Visual Basic.NET, Visual C++.NET, Visual J#.NET, ...
  • DT-Open Layers (DataAcq SDK) - Software Development Kit. A library of API functions in Microsoft C or C++. 32-bit and 64-bit native Windows support.

DT-Open Layers
Native .NET class library and Win32 DLL library

  • Full support for Microsoft Visual Studio® 2005, 2008, 2010, and 2012.
  • Built using managed code, virtually eliminating memory leaks.
  • Easy configuration of all subsystem parameters.

Use DT USB and PCI data acquisition boards with NI LabVIEW™

  • Create test and measurement applications for Data Translation DT-Open Layers compliant USB and PCI hardware using NI LabVIEW
  • Consistent with the design and layout of the LabVIEW DAQmx VIs
  • Measure and control analog I/O, digital I/O, quadrature decoders, counter/timer signals

DAQ Adaptor for MATLAB®
Interface to MATLAB

  • Single environment for acquisition, analysis, and visualization.
  • Measurement with the Data Acquisition Toolbox
  • Direct access to all DT-Open Layers-compliant Data Translation USB and PCI modules.

Download our latest DASYLab drivers

  • Create complex applications in minimal time without programming
  • Lets you build worksheets using graphical functions
  • Implements real-time operations, including PID control

White Papers
Show file ENOB for DT9836
Show file ENOB - Effective Number of Bits
Overall Accuracy - The Accurate Way to Choose a Data Acquisition Board
Show file Connecting Quad Encoders
Show file High Performance Data Acquisition on USB
Show file Understanding the SFDR Spec
The Battle for Data Fidelity: Understanding the SFDR Spec